03-09-2024, 10:36 PM
Your Character or Steam Name:
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198100867953
Your Discord ID#: crashedxxx
Reason for ban: char abuse
Length of ban: 3 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology
Why should you be unbanned? I messed up and got banned from Maffia RP. I know I did something wrong by being mean to others and got in trouble for it. I'm really sorry for that. I promise I'll try to be nicer from now on and follow the rules. Can you forgive me? I acknowledge that my actions were inappropriate and unacceptable. There's no excuse for character abusing, and I take full responsibility for my behavior. I assure you that I've learned from this experience and will make a concerted effort to conduct myself with more respect and maturity in the future. Once again, I'm sorry for my actions and any inconvenience they caused.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): nope but love diverge and you Pendred
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198100867953
Your Discord ID#: crashedxxx
Reason for ban: char abuse
Length of ban: 3 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology
Why should you be unbanned? I messed up and got banned from Maffia RP. I know I did something wrong by being mean to others and got in trouble for it. I'm really sorry for that. I promise I'll try to be nicer from now on and follow the rules. Can you forgive me? I acknowledge that my actions were inappropriate and unacceptable. There's no excuse for character abusing, and I take full responsibility for my behavior. I assure you that I've learned from this experience and will make a concerted effort to conduct myself with more respect and maturity in the future. Once again, I'm sorry for my actions and any inconvenience they caused.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): nope but love diverge and you Pendred