Diverge Networks
Ban appeal - Printable Version

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Ban appeal - tymothyjone1973 - 01-28-2023

Your Name:Jonas garcia

Your SteamID 76561199443656848[url=https://steamid.io/][/url]

Your Discord ID#: Bigastronaut5678#3582

Reason for ban: Ltap

Length of ban: 3 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Reason is when my game disconnected and that happend when i was getting questioned for someone who i just mugged

Why should you be unbanned? The reason why is becasue assume as I got dicsconnected I joined back asap because I knew I was gonna  get banned but believe or not I joined back and i got a relaible overrflow error or something like that idk what that is but it had to make me join back and later on i was tped by admin saying why did you ltap i tried explaning myself but the guy that was reporting me said we waited for 5 minutes and I tried saying i joined back as fast as i can but i got a reliable overflow error and im pretty sure theres no way you can join the server twice in under 5 minutes when the sever takes so long to get in and I joined back they were gone and then by that time the admin tped me explaining what i just said

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): No i do not 

RE: Ban appeal - Mascotics - 01-28-2023

Hello. As I explained in the sit before banning you, it does not matter how long it took you to reconnect to the server or the reason it took you so long to get back. You shouldn't have disconnected to begin with. That's what LTARP is. You disconnected from the server immediately after mugging someone.

You also just served a ban for the exact same thing 10 days ago and had a warning on file for LTARP as well. This would be the "PO x 2" part. Because of this, as explained previously, you would have to serve another ban for the offense. One can only be given so many chances to improve their behavior before action is taken.

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Ban appeal - Ram - 01-29-2023

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Don't leave during an admin sit; next time this happens, the ban length will be harsher.

The ban will be reduced to a day.