01-28-2023, 10:56 PM
Your Name:Jonas garcia
Your SteamID 76561199443656848[url=https://steamid.io/][/url]
Your Discord ID#: Bigastronaut5678#3582
Reason for ban: Ltap
Length of ban: 3 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Reason is when my game disconnected and that happend when i was getting questioned for someone who i just mugged
Why should you be unbanned? The reason why is becasue assume as I got dicsconnected I joined back asap because I knew I was gonna get banned but believe or not I joined back and i got a relaible overrflow error or something like that idk what that is but it had to make me join back and later on i was tped by admin saying why did you ltap i tried explaning myself but the guy that was reporting me said we waited for 5 minutes and I tried saying i joined back as fast as i can but i got a reliable overflow error and im pretty sure theres no way you can join the server twice in under 5 minutes when the sever takes so long to get in and I joined back they were gone and then by that time the admin tped me explaining what i just said
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): No i do not
Your SteamID 76561199443656848[url=https://steamid.io/][/url]
Your Discord ID#: Bigastronaut5678#3582
Reason for ban: Ltap
Length of ban: 3 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Reason is when my game disconnected and that happend when i was getting questioned for someone who i just mugged
Why should you be unbanned? The reason why is becasue assume as I got dicsconnected I joined back asap because I knew I was gonna get banned but believe or not I joined back and i got a relaible overrflow error or something like that idk what that is but it had to make me join back and later on i was tped by admin saying why did you ltap i tried explaning myself but the guy that was reporting me said we waited for 5 minutes and I tried saying i joined back as fast as i can but i got a reliable overflow error and im pretty sure theres no way you can join the server twice in under 5 minutes when the sever takes so long to get in and I joined back they were gone and then by that time the admin tped me explaining what i just said
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): No i do not