Diverge Networks
Saudis Staff app - Printable Version

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Saudis Staff app - Saudi - 12-03-2020

  1. In-Game Name: N/A At the moment 

  2. Steam Name:Saudi

  3. IRL First Name (optional):

  4. Age: 15

  5. Time on Server: N/A

  6. Time Zone:EST

  7. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:218596342


  8. How much (relative) time can you dedicate to moderating our server?:Im Active Everyday so id say about 3-4 hours or more a day 

  9. The total amount of warnings on the server (You can check your warnings by doing !warns in the chat while on the server): None 

  10. Have you read the rules? Will you read the staff handbook in its entirety if you are accepted?: Yes 

  11. Do you have a microphone that you can use?: Yea

  12. Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand): Yea

  13. Are you able to use Discord? Are you familiarized with ULX commands?: I can use discord and im familiar with ULX

  14. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes

    *Take your time with this part*
  15. Why should you be staff? What can you provide that others cannot? (5 Sentences Min): Well Im Very active for the most part. Im Pretty good with Nutscript itself and ULX Commands. Ive Got A good amount of Staffing Experience on Other servers has UA+. Im Somewhat alright when it comes to de escalating arguments with bringing in good reasoning. Im not a biased staff member who takes my factions side of the story i make sure to hear both sides and figure out what to do from there.

  16. Do you have any previous staffing experience? If so, where and how?: EC has a Head Admin
    MC has a Head Admin HD has a Junior Admin Axel Networks has a Super admin

  17. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: I have not 

  18. Would you say that you are well known in our community?: Not really 

  19. Have any staff members recommended you for staff? If so, list their names: N/A

  20. What is RDM, RDA, and FAILRP?: RDM is Random Death match Killing without Reason. RDA is Random Arrest Arresting without Reason. FailRP is someone being a total minge and not following server rules making stuff up on the way during an RP scenario 

  21. Part 3, Scenarios

  22. *Walk us through every step*

  23. Someone RDM's and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: hop on Duty take them both into a sit talk to them figure out what happened and both individuals sides of the story 

  24. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: try to clip it and send it to someone Higher than that staff in question. 

  25. A very good friend of yours (whom you personally invited) joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. You do your best to sweep them under the rug, as they are your close friend after all, but they don’t seem to be taking a hint and continue to break the rules. Finally, you are forced to take action. What would you do next, knowing that if you punish them your friendship with them is over?: No matter what i will take him into a sit and do what is necessary for his punishment and so people may have a enjoyable time on the server. 

RE: Saudis Staff app - Kenny T - 12-08-2020

You need to put much more effort into your application there are many punctuation and capitalization errors. I feel like you could of done much better and I suggest you revise your application. Until I see any changes I'm going to give your app a -1 .

RE: Saudis Staff app - Steven Bills - 12-09-2020

I would have to agree with Kenny.

RE: Saudis Staff app - Canadian-bacon - 12-09-2020

Please note that the Staff Application Format has recently changed, we apologize for the inconvenience but do ask you to edit and update your application with the correct format at your earliest convenience.

The new Format can be found Stickied under the 'Staff Applications' Section, or here.

Thank you,

RE: Saudis Staff app - [DV-N] Hyena - 12-14-2020

Denied, Failure to update application.