04-08-2021, 03:57 AM
Your Name: johnnie
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:599448795
Reason for ban: vdm "previous warns"
Length of ban:2 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute
Why should you be unbanned? miscommunication, i was getting arrested so before i was put under fear rp by a weapon i jumped into a open car and tried driving off, i got shot a couple timas and couldnt see because the screen turns black so i was trying to run over the cop who was shooting at me i dont know how this was vdm i think bird though i already was in the car and it was mine and the reason for my arresting was because i tried running the officer over for no reason and i only had 1 previous warns
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): n/a
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:599448795
Reason for ban: vdm "previous warns"
Length of ban:2 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute
Why should you be unbanned? miscommunication, i was getting arrested so before i was put under fear rp by a weapon i jumped into a open car and tried driving off, i got shot a couple timas and couldnt see because the screen turns black so i was trying to run over the cop who was shooting at me i dont know how this was vdm i think bird though i already was in the car and it was mine and the reason for my arresting was because i tried running the officer over for no reason and i only had 1 previous warns
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): n/a