05-09-2021, 05:46 PM
Your Name: Diego
Your SteamID
Reason for ban: NITRP/Past bans
Length of ban: Perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): little bit of both
Why should you be unbanned? i was banned for nitrp originally because a group of roughly 8 people including me found out someone was pansexual or bisexual whatever it is and since it was the 80s we roleplayed being a angry mob following her from city hall to the jewelry store throwing homophobic slurs at her. now again it is the 80s shit like this happened every day people got harassed for walking down the street black milkman said it was nitrp but he wouldn't let me fill him in on the situation he just said that'ss nitrp and for my past bans/warns i have nothing to say except it was pure stupidity trying to be funny but at the end it was not. people say racial/homophobic slurs all the time in that server i get gunned down for being black trying to rent a apartment from the lucheses and when i ask why they say because ur a dirty N****r
i have been called that word hundreds of times just for having a black character
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID
Reason for ban: NITRP/Past bans
Length of ban: Perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): little bit of both
Why should you be unbanned? i was banned for nitrp originally because a group of roughly 8 people including me found out someone was pansexual or bisexual whatever it is and since it was the 80s we roleplayed being a angry mob following her from city hall to the jewelry store throwing homophobic slurs at her. now again it is the 80s shit like this happened every day people got harassed for walking down the street black milkman said it was nitrp but he wouldn't let me fill him in on the situation he just said that'ss nitrp and for my past bans/warns i have nothing to say except it was pure stupidity trying to be funny but at the end it was not. people say racial/homophobic slurs all the time in that server i get gunned down for being black trying to rent a apartment from the lucheses and when i ask why they say because ur a dirty N****r
i have been called that word hundreds of times just for having a black character
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):