08-10-2021, 04:20 PM
Your Name: Jonquavis Dodson
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198263397655
Reason for ban: NITRP| RDM 2X| FEAR RP
Length of ban: 30 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I can accept the ban for NITRP but none of the cops i killed were RDM and there was no fear rp as every cop i killed was by his self and were trying to shoot me. The reason I disconnected while i was unconcious is because a undercover came up to me while i had my gun out and pointed on him and punched me in the head and knocked me unconcious so he was breaking fear rp and I didnt want to be PK'd cuz sum kid wants to break a rule.
Why should you be unbanned? Not unbanned but ban should be lessened and only have NITRP as a reason
[url=https://steamid.io/lookup/76561198263397655]Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198263397655
Reason for ban: NITRP| RDM 2X| FEAR RP
Length of ban: 30 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I can accept the ban for NITRP but none of the cops i killed were RDM and there was no fear rp as every cop i killed was by his self and were trying to shoot me. The reason I disconnected while i was unconcious is because a undercover came up to me while i had my gun out and pointed on him and punched me in the head and knocked me unconcious so he was breaking fear rp and I didnt want to be PK'd cuz sum kid wants to break a rule.
Why should you be unbanned? Not unbanned but ban should be lessened and only have NITRP as a reason
[url=https://steamid.io/lookup/76561198263397655]Additional Information (images, videos, etc):