08-15-2021, 08:03 PM
Your Name: Coconut
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114065865
Staff Member involved: Rem
What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET
Reason for blacklist (if given): Building in pd
Why should they be returned?: I Have never been warned about building in pd at all, the one time I was warned was a very long time ago for prop build which I haven't done since. I got my Prop flags taken away due to me building inside the pd Which at the time no officer was worried about, After I died from a cop shooting everyone inside I respawned and forgot to spam z and delete my props. Rem tps me up to a roof 3 mins later and explains to me I'm not allowed which I then said okay yeah Im sorry ill delete it. He then explains that Its already gone and I was losing my pet flags. Which Of course I was annoyed as I wasn't really given a pre-warning Or told to remove my props I would of as I genuinely forgot to remove them after I died. Im sorry for anyone that's Rp was ruined during them times.
But please give me back my Pet flags I need my boat.
But In all seriousness, my last ban/warn was like 4-6 months ago Which was to do with the Prop climb Other than that I do actually Rp and use my props Properly as I have made quite a few dupes for the people on this server and myself.
: ) - Coconut
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114065865
Staff Member involved: Rem
What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET
Reason for blacklist (if given): Building in pd
Why should they be returned?: I Have never been warned about building in pd at all, the one time I was warned was a very long time ago for prop build which I haven't done since. I got my Prop flags taken away due to me building inside the pd Which at the time no officer was worried about, After I died from a cop shooting everyone inside I respawned and forgot to spam z and delete my props. Rem tps me up to a roof 3 mins later and explains to me I'm not allowed which I then said okay yeah Im sorry ill delete it. He then explains that Its already gone and I was losing my pet flags. Which Of course I was annoyed as I wasn't really given a pre-warning Or told to remove my props I would of as I genuinely forgot to remove them after I died. Im sorry for anyone that's Rp was ruined during them times.
But please give me back my Pet flags I need my boat.
But In all seriousness, my last ban/warn was like 4-6 months ago Which was to do with the Prop climb Other than that I do actually Rp and use my props Properly as I have made quite a few dupes for the people on this server and myself.
: ) - Coconut
Idk what to put here but you are a waffling schmuck