04-03-2022, 04:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2022, 04:37 AM by Andrew900689. Edited 1 time in total.)
Your Name: Manvaro
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:69256472
Reason for Ban: “Flag abuse | Threw a prop into a car which hit a group of people | LTAP | Loser”
Length of Ban: Originally one week then was changed to a permanent ban
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
Both a dispute and an apology will be presented in this post. Firstly, I would like to apologize to the administrators who work tirelessly to facilitate the server and make sure that the advertised role play is not tainted with. There is no excuse for what I did on March 31, none whatsoever.
The situation: I joined the Miami server to originally find a family and join them, as advertised within the genre of this server. Unfortunately, the server was depleted of its normal player count (~15 players). As a result, I could not find any family nor could I find anyone seriously roleplaying at that time. About 20 minutes later, I noticed the server was in its “minge-hour” stage. This is terminology used for most roleplay servers (typically serious servers) when the majority of the server deviates from standard roleplay to minge/screw around. I mistakenly and voluntarily took part in this toxic behavior. Overtime, the server became chaotic: players were car rdming, breaking fearrp, and outright rdming. For context, the majority of the mingy behavior was consolidated near the hospital, which is where I was ultimately banned for one week.
How I got banned: To clarify, the following statements are not an attempt to justify my actions, I fully understand what I did and I am willing to serve an appropriate sentence for the described actions. I spawned a prop (possibly a stove or a desk) and pushed a car which consequently landed in a group of people nearby. Truthfully, I did not intend for the car to be pushed into the crowd of people, it was a complete accident. Nonetheless, I deserved to be banned for such an egregious attack on the community.
The aftermath: As a result of the damage, I voluntarily left to avoid questioning. I knew I messed up, and there was nothing I could say that would’ve inevitably altered the previous actions committed. For that, I apologize.
Why should you be unbanned?
The original length of my ban was one week, but then was mysteriously changed to a permanent ban. As a result, I contacted the administrator who initially banned me for a week (Somespy) to find out why he extended the ban. Shockingly, he denies ever extending my ban. With that information, I contacted a community manager. The community manager informed me that there are no logs for ban extensions.
I am willing to wait out a finite sentence for my only second offense on this server. But this permanent ban seems a bit harsh, with all due respect. Moreover, I am still unaware of the administrator who ultimately extended my ban. If that administrator is reading this post, I want to apologize for any inconvenience I caused to warrant a permanent ban from this server.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
I do not have any video recordings of my prop abuse, but if the original administrator (Somespy) has any evidence of me prop abusing, that can certainly legitimatize the actions I committed to get myself banned in the first place. To clarify, I am NOT disputing the original one week ban, I am disputing and trying to figure out why the ban was extended permanently. I take full responsibility for the damages I caused with my flags.
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:69256472
Reason for Ban: “Flag abuse | Threw a prop into a car which hit a group of people | LTAP | Loser”
Length of Ban: Originally one week then was changed to a permanent ban
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
Both a dispute and an apology will be presented in this post. Firstly, I would like to apologize to the administrators who work tirelessly to facilitate the server and make sure that the advertised role play is not tainted with. There is no excuse for what I did on March 31, none whatsoever.
The situation: I joined the Miami server to originally find a family and join them, as advertised within the genre of this server. Unfortunately, the server was depleted of its normal player count (~15 players). As a result, I could not find any family nor could I find anyone seriously roleplaying at that time. About 20 minutes later, I noticed the server was in its “minge-hour” stage. This is terminology used for most roleplay servers (typically serious servers) when the majority of the server deviates from standard roleplay to minge/screw around. I mistakenly and voluntarily took part in this toxic behavior. Overtime, the server became chaotic: players were car rdming, breaking fearrp, and outright rdming. For context, the majority of the mingy behavior was consolidated near the hospital, which is where I was ultimately banned for one week.
How I got banned: To clarify, the following statements are not an attempt to justify my actions, I fully understand what I did and I am willing to serve an appropriate sentence for the described actions. I spawned a prop (possibly a stove or a desk) and pushed a car which consequently landed in a group of people nearby. Truthfully, I did not intend for the car to be pushed into the crowd of people, it was a complete accident. Nonetheless, I deserved to be banned for such an egregious attack on the community.
The aftermath: As a result of the damage, I voluntarily left to avoid questioning. I knew I messed up, and there was nothing I could say that would’ve inevitably altered the previous actions committed. For that, I apologize.
Why should you be unbanned?
The original length of my ban was one week, but then was mysteriously changed to a permanent ban. As a result, I contacted the administrator who initially banned me for a week (Somespy) to find out why he extended the ban. Shockingly, he denies ever extending my ban. With that information, I contacted a community manager. The community manager informed me that there are no logs for ban extensions.
I am willing to wait out a finite sentence for my only second offense on this server. But this permanent ban seems a bit harsh, with all due respect. Moreover, I am still unaware of the administrator who ultimately extended my ban. If that administrator is reading this post, I want to apologize for any inconvenience I caused to warrant a permanent ban from this server.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
I do not have any video recordings of my prop abuse, but if the original administrator (Somespy) has any evidence of me prop abusing, that can certainly legitimatize the actions I committed to get myself banned in the first place. To clarify, I am NOT disputing the original one week ban, I am disputing and trying to figure out why the ban was extended permanently. I take full responsibility for the damages I caused with my flags.