01-29-2023, 03:08 AM
Your Name: Skull
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:27926209
Your Discord ID#: ASkull#7967
Reason for ban: rdm
Length of ban: 7 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): both
Why should you be unbanned? so this guy comes up to my buddies and me trying to start beef we tell him many times to go away we left to go away from him and he follows us and keeps hanging around the outside of our shop pointing his phys gun at us and the shop he wouldnt leave us alone after telling him many times to leave us alone and stop coming up to us and stuff he wouldnt i started firing warning shots still wouldnt leave keeps coming up to us so i killed him and i got banned but i was told by like 2 other staff members that it wouldnt be rdm if you told him many times to go away form you guys and if you try to get away from him and he follows you you can kill him and it wouldnt be rdm i told the staff member that but he said it was rdm i dont think i should have gotten ban for a week cause i was told by 2 staff members that isnt Rdm and whenever i make a ticket about the same thing i been told it wasnt rdm but when i did it it was? and my last ban for rdm was a month ago. for the apology part im sorry for killing that man as i thought it wasnt rdm i really like to play on the server with my friends and asking if it can at least get lower just by like a day or 2.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): no
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:27926209
Your Discord ID#: ASkull#7967
Reason for ban: rdm
Length of ban: 7 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): both
Why should you be unbanned? so this guy comes up to my buddies and me trying to start beef we tell him many times to go away we left to go away from him and he follows us and keeps hanging around the outside of our shop pointing his phys gun at us and the shop he wouldnt leave us alone after telling him many times to leave us alone and stop coming up to us and stuff he wouldnt i started firing warning shots still wouldnt leave keeps coming up to us so i killed him and i got banned but i was told by like 2 other staff members that it wouldnt be rdm if you told him many times to go away form you guys and if you try to get away from him and he follows you you can kill him and it wouldnt be rdm i told the staff member that but he said it was rdm i dont think i should have gotten ban for a week cause i was told by 2 staff members that isnt Rdm and whenever i make a ticket about the same thing i been told it wasnt rdm but when i did it it was? and my last ban for rdm was a month ago. for the apology part im sorry for killing that man as i thought it wasnt rdm i really like to play on the server with my friends and asking if it can at least get lower just by like a day or 2.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): no