05-25-2023, 05:29 PM
Your Name: Diego "Perro" Diablo
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:436856446 /// 76561198833978620
Your Discord ID#: Seansx#2989
Reason for ban: Mass Mugging | RDM | NITRP
Length of ban: 4 Days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? To begin with the NITRP reasoning I feel like is invalid. The situation was that me and some friends were using in game radios and a blue car and blue outfits to "pretend to FBI", it was a clear joke but it still had RP to it as everything we were doing was in character and we were "arresting people" for breaking laws. It was a joke of course but I feel that what we were doing has more RP value then just running around in black outfits mugging people. At least it makes it interesting to other players when we would go in a business and say we were doing an investigation or needed to interrogate someone. It was impersonation of a government official which gives something for cops to do since its a crime.
The mass mugging I feel like is also invalid, majority of the time we weren't even mugging people, yes here and there we did mug people but I think in the span of the hour or two that we were doing it we maybe mugged only 2/3 people when we could've mugged like 7/8 people.
Lastly, I honestly don't know where the RDM is coming from as every person we interacted with and then killed was placed under heavy fearRP due to five of us being there. I did RDM one person without realizing that it would be classified as that and I accepted the punishment for that.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I don't really have any clips but If they are very required I can get some from the friends I was doing it with. Contact me at Seansx#2989 if they are really needed to make a desicion.
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:436856446 /// 76561198833978620
Your Discord ID#: Seansx#2989
Reason for ban: Mass Mugging | RDM | NITRP
Length of ban: 4 Days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? To begin with the NITRP reasoning I feel like is invalid. The situation was that me and some friends were using in game radios and a blue car and blue outfits to "pretend to FBI", it was a clear joke but it still had RP to it as everything we were doing was in character and we were "arresting people" for breaking laws. It was a joke of course but I feel that what we were doing has more RP value then just running around in black outfits mugging people. At least it makes it interesting to other players when we would go in a business and say we were doing an investigation or needed to interrogate someone. It was impersonation of a government official which gives something for cops to do since its a crime.
The mass mugging I feel like is also invalid, majority of the time we weren't even mugging people, yes here and there we did mug people but I think in the span of the hour or two that we were doing it we maybe mugged only 2/3 people when we could've mugged like 7/8 people.
Lastly, I honestly don't know where the RDM is coming from as every person we interacted with and then killed was placed under heavy fearRP due to five of us being there. I did RDM one person without realizing that it would be classified as that and I accepted the punishment for that.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I don't really have any clips but If they are very required I can get some from the friends I was doing it with. Contact me at Seansx#2989 if they are really needed to make a desicion.