10-30-2023, 03:39 AM
Your Character or Steam Name: متلازمة داون
Your Steam ID: 76561199030380206
Your Discord ID#:alexsmith7363
Reason for ban: RDM and Extensive PO's
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology
Why should you be unbanned? Back then I took everything for granted, seeing how many PO's I have. But after I got permanently banned I realized the mistakes I made and the fact that I took every ban and every kick for granted not knowing that later it will lead me into a permanently ban . All the good memories I've made in that game is nothing like any other game I've played before. I was confused and didn't really know how the game really worked I know that I have a lot of hours in the game but I was sorta just there most of the time and having laughs with complete strangers. The main reason I got permanently banned was because I got in an unorganized mafia meaning that it wasn't an actual faction and was just ran by some friends that I didn't know. I guess you can call it like a militia (not an actual faction). They told me that I had to kill some of their enemies in order to get further into the gang so I did. I shot at what seemed like an Asian faction then I got teleported into an admin room and got permanently banned. All I was trying to do was get further into the gang I was following their orders and didn't mean to RDM people like that. I was pretty dumb and did things without thinking. Although I have a lot PO's I want to go back in the game and actually roleplay back then I wasn't really into roleplay so I would always RDM and mostly minge. But then I played other GMOD Roleplay games and got hooked. So please, let me back in the game and continue roleplaying with other people without being a complete dumbass. Thank you for taking you're time to read my appeal.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc.): ONE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE FAKE GANG SCREENSHOT HERE: https://prnt.sc/QoE1z0AMEnSL AND https://prnt.sc/LD4TgGXP2OJP
Your Steam ID: 76561199030380206
Your Discord ID#:alexsmith7363
Reason for ban: RDM and Extensive PO's
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology
Why should you be unbanned? Back then I took everything for granted, seeing how many PO's I have. But after I got permanently banned I realized the mistakes I made and the fact that I took every ban and every kick for granted not knowing that later it will lead me into a permanently ban . All the good memories I've made in that game is nothing like any other game I've played before. I was confused and didn't really know how the game really worked I know that I have a lot of hours in the game but I was sorta just there most of the time and having laughs with complete strangers. The main reason I got permanently banned was because I got in an unorganized mafia meaning that it wasn't an actual faction and was just ran by some friends that I didn't know. I guess you can call it like a militia (not an actual faction). They told me that I had to kill some of their enemies in order to get further into the gang so I did. I shot at what seemed like an Asian faction then I got teleported into an admin room and got permanently banned. All I was trying to do was get further into the gang I was following their orders and didn't mean to RDM people like that. I was pretty dumb and did things without thinking. Although I have a lot PO's I want to go back in the game and actually roleplay back then I wasn't really into roleplay so I would always RDM and mostly minge. But then I played other GMOD Roleplay games and got hooked. So please, let me back in the game and continue roleplaying with other people without being a complete dumbass. Thank you for taking you're time to read my appeal.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc.): ONE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE FAKE GANG SCREENSHOT HERE: https://prnt.sc/QoE1z0AMEnSL AND https://prnt.sc/LD4TgGXP2OJP