06-13-2021, 05:16 AM
Your Name: julian
Your SteamID Wakiestfall801
Reason for ban:LTAP MINGE
Length of ban:4 days
Reason for appeal the nation of islam was harrasing our building and vandalizing it so we got revenge and when a guy said i think it was this guy i left because i didnt wanna be killed by the nation and if what i did was minge then them writing fuck crackers on our bar also is
Why should you be unbanned? because i dont personally understand why this is bannable and the fact that an admin without cause said my rp name and used a physics gun on me in front of many people is uncalled for good day
Your SteamID Wakiestfall801
Reason for ban:LTAP MINGE
Length of ban:4 days
Reason for appeal the nation of islam was harrasing our building and vandalizing it so we got revenge and when a guy said i think it was this guy i left because i didnt wanna be killed by the nation and if what i did was minge then them writing fuck crackers on our bar also is
Why should you be unbanned? because i dont personally understand why this is bannable and the fact that an admin without cause said my rp name and used a physics gun on me in front of many people is uncalled for good day