04-13-2022, 07:39 PM
Your Name: Gr1m
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:88087014
Reason for ban: RDM FailRP
Length of ban: 1 day.
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Absolute bullshit ban. 4 people rdming me and another person over and over again, no staff take action. I kill one person with a claw hammer, for threatening my life ( which may be against the rules), and I'm banned for a day. 3 hours before, I make an admin ticket, another guy rdmed 4 people in a row. I send the clips to an admin, a kick. Half of the staff team has no clue how to dish out punishments and it's insane. I was never pulled into a sit, was unable to explain the situation, I was just banned. I've never been banned before, just a kick.
Why should you be unbanned?: ^ . I do not deserve this ban. No priors, no admin sit, nothing. Multiple people were there watching the situation, including another staff member. Not to mention the person that got RDMed, I didn't even kill.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I have about 4 10-minute clips, if its necessary i'll go through and edit them.
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:88087014
Reason for ban: RDM FailRP
Length of ban: 1 day.
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Absolute bullshit ban. 4 people rdming me and another person over and over again, no staff take action. I kill one person with a claw hammer, for threatening my life ( which may be against the rules), and I'm banned for a day. 3 hours before, I make an admin ticket, another guy rdmed 4 people in a row. I send the clips to an admin, a kick. Half of the staff team has no clue how to dish out punishments and it's insane. I was never pulled into a sit, was unable to explain the situation, I was just banned. I've never been banned before, just a kick.
Why should you be unbanned?: ^ . I do not deserve this ban. No priors, no admin sit, nothing. Multiple people were there watching the situation, including another staff member. Not to mention the person that got RDMed, I didn't even kill.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I have about 4 10-minute clips, if its necessary i'll go through and edit them.