08-28-2022, 07:01 AM
Your Name: SG_Juzt_#9074
Your SteamID (76561199154276006Click to retrieve):
Reason for ban: Breaking Character Rules RDM x2
Length of ban: 14 Days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I feel that I was wrongfully banned
Why should you be unbanned? The breaking character rules whatever that means I don't even care about but RDM x2 makes no sense at all the PD was literally trying to arrest me attempting to tie me so yes I did kill them how is that rdm? I was defending myself in a rp scenario. SGT Karl Frudel tried to tie me up saying he was arresting me so I shot him and the other "rdm" I don't even know where that came from.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): no
Your SteamID (76561199154276006Click to retrieve):
Reason for ban: Breaking Character Rules RDM x2
Length of ban: 14 Days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I feel that I was wrongfully banned
Why should you be unbanned? The breaking character rules whatever that means I don't even care about but RDM x2 makes no sense at all the PD was literally trying to arrest me attempting to tie me so yes I did kill them how is that rdm? I was defending myself in a rp scenario. SGT Karl Frudel tried to tie me up saying he was arresting me so I shot him and the other "rdm" I don't even know where that came from.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): no