02-03-2023, 06:55 PM
Your Name: sunrise
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:82742228
Your Discord ID#: jermrat#5143
Reason for ban: rdm poX1 lying to staff
Length of ban: perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I have a lot of hours in this server and I love it the only reason i RDM'ed was because the person i killed was being racist to black player models and i also thought it would be a funny interaction for everyone to just see him get shot and not know who did it but clearly it upset whoever it was i killed and im sorry i will be on much better behavior if i were to get unbanned
Why should you be unbanned? I've put a lot of time into this server and i really love the roleplay and everything about how the server works a my past offenses were from when i wasn't sure about the server and didn't know how much i liked it. i didn't really understand that my kill was rdm since he was threatening other people in game but it also had nothing to do with me or my character in the first place so i will definitely remain on better behavior this time and im hoping you guys will give me another chance because i love this server and i love working in the Gambino family
Additional Information (images, videos, etc.): I was banned by libby maybe she can say something i dmed her over discord telling her i was sorry and that i really enjoy the server idk i dont have any screenshots or anything im not trying to come up with any excuses
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:82742228
Your Discord ID#: jermrat#5143
Reason for ban: rdm poX1 lying to staff
Length of ban: perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I have a lot of hours in this server and I love it the only reason i RDM'ed was because the person i killed was being racist to black player models and i also thought it would be a funny interaction for everyone to just see him get shot and not know who did it but clearly it upset whoever it was i killed and im sorry i will be on much better behavior if i were to get unbanned
Why should you be unbanned? I've put a lot of time into this server and i really love the roleplay and everything about how the server works a my past offenses were from when i wasn't sure about the server and didn't know how much i liked it. i didn't really understand that my kill was rdm since he was threatening other people in game but it also had nothing to do with me or my character in the first place so i will definitely remain on better behavior this time and im hoping you guys will give me another chance because i love this server and i love working in the Gambino family
Additional Information (images, videos, etc.): I was banned by libby maybe she can say something i dmed her over discord telling her i was sorry and that i really enjoy the server idk i dont have any screenshots or anything im not trying to come up with any excuses