05-09-2023, 12:07 AM
The pager update has been a very interesting one. UA is going in the direction of making Discord less of the 'go-to' for in-game communication. I think this is a fantastic structure for what's going on so far, but in the spirit of helping to improve these things, I'd like to suggest a couple of things that might help to improve it.
- Discord Notifications: Currently, the pager allows you to link your Discord to the pager so that you can get notifications of your messages in real time, even when you aren't in game. This is great, but all it tells you is the character that you received the message on.
I believe the notification could benefit from more information from the game to allow the notifications to have a bit more of a unique message to them. For example, instead of just giving a character name, perhaps the notification could go something along the lines of:
Pager Notification
You received a new pager message!
Recipient: Jinn "Dusk" Xiuhcoatl
Contact: (Name of Contact or Anonymous)
Subject: About the Garrison
- Empty Trash: From what I could see on the pager, there was no way to empty out your trash of all items at the same time. I think this would help with clearing out unneeded files quickly.
- Group Messaging: I think, right now, one of the biggest weaknesses of the pager is the lack of getting notifications out to a lot of people at once. I think if we want to do a full pivot into using the pager in-game, it'd be good to be able to do announcements or management discussions while messaging multiple people at once.
- Message History: To go hand-in-hand with the above point, message history has been a staple of e-mails for a very long time. Up to a certain character limit, showing the history of the messages among the people writing to one another would be a great feature.
This would also help with remembering what was spoken about before, or in the event of it serving as an IC communication to show staff, it can be a very easy way of checking a lot of a conversation without needing to click through 6+ pager messages.
I can give a better example of this if need be, but just think about sending emails and having it work very similar to that.