08-06-2023, 08:23 PM
Your Name: Marco "The Banker" Castellano
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_1:1:473452633
Your Discord ID#: marcxo.
Reason for ban: Ltarping, 8x PO
Length of ban: 2 weeks
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): After taking a while to think out my situation and finish arguing with the moderator I did realize I was in the wrong and I shouldn't had broken the rule and I should've just participated in the roleplay rather than breaking a rule and getting banned for 2 weeks over it when I'd be missing out on multiple faction events of my own and hanging out with close friends in the community I've known for a long time so I would like to also apologize on my end.
Why should you be unbanned?: I do sincerely apologize for my offenses and the fact I broke a rule that I shouldn't have and I know that the chances of me not even being unbanned are very high but I'd be grateful for atleast a reduction in my ban time and heres why. Although the Ltarping part is accurate and true I feel like the 8X prior offenses were not as these were over 3 months ago, Some were even in late 2022 and there was only 1 recent PO that was over a month ago as well mind you. People change and thats what I did. All I did was make a mistake and relapse into my former ways a little bit but I'm attempting to atleast be a better roleplay and not break rules. And the Ltarping, me refusing to participate in a robbery and not comply with it is all on me as well. I take complete accountability for the mistakes done on my side and I apologize, I rest my case and thats all I have to say for now.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_1:1:473452633
Your Discord ID#: marcxo.
Reason for ban: Ltarping, 8x PO
Length of ban: 2 weeks
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): After taking a while to think out my situation and finish arguing with the moderator I did realize I was in the wrong and I shouldn't had broken the rule and I should've just participated in the roleplay rather than breaking a rule and getting banned for 2 weeks over it when I'd be missing out on multiple faction events of my own and hanging out with close friends in the community I've known for a long time so I would like to also apologize on my end.
Why should you be unbanned?: I do sincerely apologize for my offenses and the fact I broke a rule that I shouldn't have and I know that the chances of me not even being unbanned are very high but I'd be grateful for atleast a reduction in my ban time and heres why. Although the Ltarping part is accurate and true I feel like the 8X prior offenses were not as these were over 3 months ago, Some were even in late 2022 and there was only 1 recent PO that was over a month ago as well mind you. People change and thats what I did. All I did was make a mistake and relapse into my former ways a little bit but I'm attempting to atleast be a better roleplay and not break rules. And the Ltarping, me refusing to participate in a robbery and not comply with it is all on me as well. I take complete accountability for the mistakes done on my side and I apologize, I rest my case and thats all I have to say for now.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):