12-30-2021, 04:21 PM
Your Name: Chubbs / Vladimir Solonik
Your SteamID : STEAM_0:1:130216790
Reason for ban: FailRP | Minging | NITRP | POx2
Length of ban: 12h
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute.
Why should you be unbanned? In the clips that Fish man decided to ban me, The first clip i was just AFK, During the whole arrest the cop just kept coming in, calling me retarded, kept telling me to shut up and then kept leaving. So i was bored when i was alone in the cell so i just ended up going onto a different game. When i heard the cell doors bang i moved away, Both the Cop and the probie know i did. In the second clip it was me being a difficult person. I wasn't minging, The cop kept getting on my nerves by being a shit cop, by stacking charges and being corrupt. So i just ended up being a difficult person to deal with. That's an IC issue.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID : STEAM_0:1:130216790
Reason for ban: FailRP | Minging | NITRP | POx2
Length of ban: 12h
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute.
Why should you be unbanned? In the clips that Fish man decided to ban me, The first clip i was just AFK, During the whole arrest the cop just kept coming in, calling me retarded, kept telling me to shut up and then kept leaving. So i was bored when i was alone in the cell so i just ended up going onto a different game. When i heard the cell doors bang i moved away, Both the Cop and the probie know i did. In the second clip it was me being a difficult person. I wasn't minging, The cop kept getting on my nerves by being a shit cop, by stacking charges and being corrupt. So i just ended up being a difficult person to deal with. That's an IC issue.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):