01-08-2022, 02:51 PM
(01-08-2022, 02:41 PM)Hoovis Wrote: Hello, I'm the moderator who banned you. In OOC, you said "GUN THAT NIGGA DOWN" in reference to the cadet who was online. Shortly after, you drove up, stopped your car in front of the PD, stepped out, and gunned down the officer with zero roleplay or IC interaction. You had a 2 notes for RDM, one from 7 days ago, another from 11 days ago. You also had a note for FailPD Raid from 11 days ago. Given the fact that you killed an unarmed officer who you didn't interact with on PD property, I felt FailPD Raid was applicable. Given your PO and the fact that you had no intention of roleplaying with the cop, I feel the ban was fair.
with all respect that those notes are about week ago and the same with failPD it early in the morning. I'm trying to let my jokes out before there like 90 players on and the real roleplay happens. I know that I should have not done that but overall the person who I did kill through it was funny it there only like 19 people on. I could understand if you kick me and tell me not to do it again. But this ban and the POx2 is this early in the morning people are just trying to have fun man