04-09-2022, 07:19 AM
+1 Okay first off why were you even hit by a car is this obviously VDM and minge driving. Which both are against the rules I would also like too point out the person who hit you is infact staff too. Next it doesn't really even make sense in rp to hit 2 cops with your car for shutting down a illegal boxing ring. I think the driver of the car should be PKed. This could of easily killed you when you were ragdolled too. In my opinion you did nothing wrong the man was threatening your life and that of others it makes perfect sense in RP. I do recommend you fire a warning shot as it states to do that in our police manual. But otherwise that I don't see why you were banned. Personally I think the person driving the car should at least be PKed or warned/banned for VDM , breaking Fear RP and starting a violent attack on the police which is a valid pk reason in the pk guidelines.