01-22-2023, 03:14 AM
I am the admin who pked you. You clearly were metagaming, this was shown to use and the person you were metagaming admitted to it being "Minor Metagame" and "Minor Powergame", in the end of the day there is no such thing as Minor Metagame or Powergame its just what it is. As a person in your position you used your rank and say to go against the PD to help your friend. You tried to remove evidence by deleting a bunch of dms and getting the lawyer to delete the document. Moving on the the CCTV, you threw the whole case out because of this information you received through discord, there was no /me's of you receiving this and both you and the lawyer admitted it was sent through discord. You abused your character and that's why this pk is justified, you knew you couldn't do something like this and so did your friend, that's why he is asking if you are risking your job helping him in this way.