01-25-2023, 01:36 AM
As a representative from the Colombo’s I’m going to explain this pretty clearly. As Frank Luprano, you have caused issues to our faction that involved IC sit downs and meetings. You brought up an argument that you started on your own and proceeded to make it an issue towards Rae and Andy, which is laughable and was ignored because it made no sense. For the past few months you have tried to find a reason to get back at ME specifically. Even your recent DM would prove that you’re trying to be malicious against me because you didn’t get what you wanted. Anyway as for the issues stated. The men that were killed alongside you kept killing our guys at the Imperial, ranging from associates, soldiers, and even the Consigliere. They harassed and on several attempts sexual assaulted and even tried to kidnap Andy’s wife Lexi and Andy’s niece, not the daughter. To make it better for you, the great granddaughter of Ford, and Scar’s granddaughter. They did this mainly at the Imperial, continuously throughout the day before you were killed trying to harass those who were working there and killed them when starting violent confrontations, resulting in them being warned by staff. None of this was fake, and these guys were documented, admitted they worked at the Bada Bing/Napoli and were told to be your responsibility.
Professional Faction Decider