03-16-2023, 02:21 AM
Your Name: Rae
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:493953043
Your Discord ID#: Rae#8038
Reason for ban: MetaGame
Length of ban: perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I don't see why I was banned nor why I was given a perm ban for simply still having Admin roles in a (Words from Rem OOC DISCORD) and saying 1 thing and that was "Franks crew kicks up 500k now" in a OOC discord not giving any orders as I stepped down from boss more than a week ago and had solider, Soldier Decedunto (Amici Nostra) which means you have been pked, while waiting out my pk timer I have been in the cassanos as before I joined Bonannos I was made in cassano so I will always be allowed in that faction I have been roleplaying with cassano and within there properties, I've been grinding coke and trying to make money to pay for Cassanos kickups this week, from what I heard I was banned for not having any message history in cassanos discord so it was metagame? They just made a new discord as did the bonanno as did every other faction, I would not have any history I just joined them 3 days ago only time I have even used there discord was once to ask mitch to play DAYZ a game not related to Gmod in anyway. I'm really confused on why I get banned for metagame when I have done nothing, I have not made any orders to anyone or any Bonannos as I DONT HAVE A CHARACTER IN THAT FACTION. I was pked 3 days after I stepped down as boss cause I have some irl stuff happening and I was a capo for a day before I did a pk on another faction member killing him but dying also, losing a long time character with many custom clothing items, guns and money.
Why should you be unbanned? I did not metagame nothing I said was used IC nor was it IC I have not given any orders IC or even OOC I said one thing in a OOC discord per say UA which nothing in there can be used IC as it been said to us many times, in the channel you see me talking about mainly IRL stuff talking about the business I'm looking to own and the house I'm buying I did ask two questions about the family as I HAVE BEEN THE FACTION LEADER FOR 7 MONTHS AND WANT TO KNOW HOW MY FACTION IS DOING which should not be against the rule, this is not just some Gmod faction its a friend group we do other things then talk about gmod and play all day we play other games and talk about other things as its a OOC DISCORD! I've been in this community for a long time and I have just been un permed banned about 7-8 months ago and since then I have only been banned once for 2 days I have not broken any rules and brought actual RP to this server rather then drugs farming and shooting.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:493953043
Your Discord ID#: Rae#8038
Reason for ban: MetaGame
Length of ban: perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I don't see why I was banned nor why I was given a perm ban for simply still having Admin roles in a (Words from Rem OOC DISCORD) and saying 1 thing and that was "Franks crew kicks up 500k now" in a OOC discord not giving any orders as I stepped down from boss more than a week ago and had solider, Soldier Decedunto (Amici Nostra) which means you have been pked, while waiting out my pk timer I have been in the cassanos as before I joined Bonannos I was made in cassano so I will always be allowed in that faction I have been roleplaying with cassano and within there properties, I've been grinding coke and trying to make money to pay for Cassanos kickups this week, from what I heard I was banned for not having any message history in cassanos discord so it was metagame? They just made a new discord as did the bonanno as did every other faction, I would not have any history I just joined them 3 days ago only time I have even used there discord was once to ask mitch to play DAYZ a game not related to Gmod in anyway. I'm really confused on why I get banned for metagame when I have done nothing, I have not made any orders to anyone or any Bonannos as I DONT HAVE A CHARACTER IN THAT FACTION. I was pked 3 days after I stepped down as boss cause I have some irl stuff happening and I was a capo for a day before I did a pk on another faction member killing him but dying also, losing a long time character with many custom clothing items, guns and money.
Why should you be unbanned? I did not metagame nothing I said was used IC nor was it IC I have not given any orders IC or even OOC I said one thing in a OOC discord per say UA which nothing in there can be used IC as it been said to us many times, in the channel you see me talking about mainly IRL stuff talking about the business I'm looking to own and the house I'm buying I did ask two questions about the family as I HAVE BEEN THE FACTION LEADER FOR 7 MONTHS AND WANT TO KNOW HOW MY FACTION IS DOING which should not be against the rule, this is not just some Gmod faction its a friend group we do other things then talk about gmod and play all day we play other games and talk about other things as its a OOC DISCORD! I've been in this community for a long time and I have just been un permed banned about 7-8 months ago and since then I have only been banned once for 2 days I have not broken any rules and brought actual RP to this server rather then drugs farming and shooting.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):