04-22-2023, 01:29 PM
Hey man, I don’t mean to be that guy, but I see some errors in your writing. You heavily contradicted your reasoning for deserving an unban. You claimed you have been a long time player and this and that, yet you were unaware of one of the biggest rules that cause a permanent ban. Regardless, even if you just stepped foot in diverge, you should still know that evading a ban is wrong, as it is common sense. If evading a ban was allowed, why would the staff ban anyone, they can just make a new account and continue. Like I said, I am not trying to rain on your parade, I’m trying to reach you something, and that something is, being completely honest when asking for forgiveness goes a REALLY long way. Admitting your faults and indiscretions proves you are a reformed person and that you are deserving of forgiveness. If you get denied, and you truly wish to come back, I would recommend being honest. all in all, Goodluck.