06-23-2023, 01:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2023, 01:48 AM by Lucas. Edited 1 time in total.)
Your Name: Lucas
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:48094111
Your Discord ID#: lucas0138.
Reason for ban: Camping shipment | We warned you
Length of ban: 12h
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? I was walking around little Italy i had just given my friend some money at the Le Grande at which point i walked over towards Little Italy and i see 5 or so people sitting around a shipment now they had chairs and everything spawned around it which i did not take part of i stood on the other side of the fence when i arrived the timer was roughly at 24-34 seconds (i know it ended in a 4) some cops walk bye and i say hello. i the proceed to wait for the shipment now i was not attempting to arrest or mug anyone for it. I saw the shipment by chance. Now i know in the ban it says that i was warned but i was not. staff stated in general in the diverge discord that they warned everyone there when the timer was around 100 seconds. By the time that i arrived they would have been long gone. I knew nothing of any warning and just saw the shipment being low and thought since it was the faction spawnpoint for my own faction i might try and save someone from my faction 6k. I don't have any proof of this seeing as i didn't have my clipping software on and didn't think i would have needed to. In staff logs you might be able to see my running around opening different doors such as napoli and le grande. i had also opened a staff ticket at the time needing a locker opened. Whilst me opening door does not show any innocence in the matter it does show that i had not been there for any long amount of time. And again i wanna make this very clear i did not attempt to mug anyone it was the faction spawnpoint for our racket and i was hoping to save someones money. I think this is more a case of wrong place wrong time.
Additional Information
I have a picture that i cant post for some reason but its the banning staff member saying they might have gotten it wrong
There is the picture for staff
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:48094111
Your Discord ID#: lucas0138.
Reason for ban: Camping shipment | We warned you
Length of ban: 12h
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? I was walking around little Italy i had just given my friend some money at the Le Grande at which point i walked over towards Little Italy and i see 5 or so people sitting around a shipment now they had chairs and everything spawned around it which i did not take part of i stood on the other side of the fence when i arrived the timer was roughly at 24-34 seconds (i know it ended in a 4) some cops walk bye and i say hello. i the proceed to wait for the shipment now i was not attempting to arrest or mug anyone for it. I saw the shipment by chance. Now i know in the ban it says that i was warned but i was not. staff stated in general in the diverge discord that they warned everyone there when the timer was around 100 seconds. By the time that i arrived they would have been long gone. I knew nothing of any warning and just saw the shipment being low and thought since it was the faction spawnpoint for my own faction i might try and save someone from my faction 6k. I don't have any proof of this seeing as i didn't have my clipping software on and didn't think i would have needed to. In staff logs you might be able to see my running around opening different doors such as napoli and le grande. i had also opened a staff ticket at the time needing a locker opened. Whilst me opening door does not show any innocence in the matter it does show that i had not been there for any long amount of time. And again i wanna make this very clear i did not attempt to mug anyone it was the faction spawnpoint for our racket and i was hoping to save someones money. I think this is more a case of wrong place wrong time.
Additional Information
I have a picture that i cant post for some reason but its the banning staff member saying they might have gotten it wrong
There is the picture for staff