09-27-2023, 05:12 PM
Switched stories multiple times? Please elaborate or explain to me what I've switched? You are a awful excuse of an admin. Spend too much time and money on this server to have to deal with a admin as pathetic as yourself. "Banned for RDM due to attacking a random person". In which I've stated multiple times they owed me money! He wasn't a random person if you would like me to state the characters name. That is following the RP and server rules. Should me and you both sit down and go over the rules together so you can understand this? I even asked you to bring the individual into the sit down to get their side of the story and you wouldn't because you feel the need to take it upon yourself to make assumptions that I'm meta gaming and know the individual. When you make a assumptions you are only making an ass out of both you and I.