(12-31-2023, 07:29 AM)darkfire Wrote: I was the staff member dealing with this situation. After reviewing the clip shown in support call of you on your main account STEAM_0:0:814717080 Irwin Joanin. Which i ask you about this char, you corrected me on how its pronounced when it wasn't written i said it. Which you then said you have no clue on what who that is, not one but two of your factions crew members pointed you out and recognized you."your" factions crew members
If you check my account, I was never in a faction. I never joined a faction since I started.I was popped into an admit sit with two strangers.
you said a name to me outright and acted like I 'corrected' you when I repeated it back
an admin sit's evidence should be something hard and provable like this 'clip' you claimed to have and the 'automated system' I have yet to see any form of logs. (here is the clip where i "corrected" you https://jumpshare.com/s/Qn8PN5t0K6mRA3TsaYlB)
(12-31-2023, 08:15 AM)Cameron Wrote:Do you have any proof?(12-31-2023, 06:32 AM)Ballin Wrote: Your Character or Steam Name: Kurt JohnsonYou do realize you're using the same discord tag as the dude who got banned. hmm what a coincidence?
Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:815690298
Your Discord ID#:mrwhite1000
Reason for ban: Alting
Length of ban: Perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):I was called to a sit out of nowhere and accused of alting when I had not joined the server before on any other account. When I asked for the evidence they denied me any clips or pictures. I've never seen the people and admin who accused me until they called me to a sit and banned me.
Why should you be unbanned? I would like to be provided any of the evidence that was used to make the decision during this sit. I never got to review it. The administrator who banned me said 'we have an automated system in place' as if I was detected by something coded? However, during the sit there were two other people who he said had a clip, which I never saw provided. I had recently started playing on this server so there should be no reason to ban me for alting.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):