04-12-2021, 08:11 PM
(04-12-2021, 03:00 PM)LordBrit Wrote: I responded to a ticket I will admit you had sent one message saying that you had crashed I notified you if you did not get back on you would be banned. I then waited 30 minutes sent two more messages which had no response then banned him as he had been banned for a similar issue to this previously. Off of the video I had seen which was you only disconnecting after being tased which was rather coincidental and taking the previous ban into account I acted and banned you for 3 days due to it being similar to a prior ban (both were LTARP). I do apologise if it was a technical issue however from what I had seen it did not appear to be if this was a wrongful ban I do apologise however I acted to the best knowledge I had at that time if more information is available and tells a different story I would be happy to unban you. -Brit
jesus mans calling me a lie. my game was crashing all day ask pistol on discord if ya really want. i had to validate my files to stop black screening and your gonna say you need more info to unban me alright buddy. and that is my discord not someone's