05-08-2021, 10:25 AM
Negative (-1)
After looking how you are as a member of the community, you seem pretty active and have an alright presence in the community, which is an essential to be a staff member. Your application looks nice but its very bold, the questions are answered as if you were taking a random survey on the street. I, overall see that you want to become a staff member but from what I can see from your application you only want to become staff to staff. The staff team should doing more than banning a minge or two. You should be expressing your opinions on staff/faction applications, attending meetings to hear community feedback, +1/-1 suggestions, and so on. From what I can see, you don't do that aside from some simple comments on some faction applications and some one-liners in the suggestions (on the discord). In my eyes you're eager to be staff, but you just don't fit what the staff team should be. I'm sorry but I've gotta -1 this.