05-09-2021, 06:43 PM
Hi! I'm actually the player that was being harassed. My female character that does occasionally "flirt" with women (the same way the guys joke about sucking or jerking each other off as "homiesexual") is not bisexual or pansexual. I, in real life, am though. The fact that not only were a large group of men following me harassing me, but attacking me over something that is not true in RP but IRL, made me feel extremely unsafe. I called Milkman for help for not only all of you screaming the slur in my ear, but also for the fact that you were following me and my friends, ear-raping us.
It was not funny. I will never understand why any of you thought this would be.
As for the comment saying that I was not really into guys after being asked out, was not me. You must have asked another woman and assumed it was me. Which is incredibly worrying seeing how you were willing to jump onto this bandwagon of being jerks to a random person for "RP" reasons.
It was not funny. I will never understand why any of you thought this would be.
As for the comment saying that I was not really into guys after being asked out, was not me. You must have asked another woman and assumed it was me. Which is incredibly worrying seeing how you were willing to jump onto this bandwagon of being jerks to a random person for "RP" reasons.