06-20-2021, 05:17 PM
Hello metrail as said earlier on, I came on the server and saw two mrdm tickets, i watched the clip and checked logs and you had indeed iniated on them in the clip and there was a solid 2-3 minutes context before the clip. I tried brining you and the other guy i banned but you had both logged off, you had targeted the people twice, the clip i was shown showed it earlier in the day and the other guy showed me a medal clip of you doing it about 10 minutes prior to the ticket. I checked logs and you had attacked them that time with no provocation and i didnt go so far back in logs to verify what i already was shown from the original clip. In short the ban is unbiased and valid and although I will admit that yes I am in the faction that made the ticket I was the only staff on I'm pretty sure and I was completely unbiased