07-31-2021, 05:52 PM
(07-28-2021, 11:54 PM)Manuel Antonio Wrote:(07-28-2021, 03:10 PM)Cocohop Wrote: "When you've run into a wall with no place to go, return to the basics." -Miles Edgeworth."when you give your input, make sure you got the whole story" - nigglations 6:16
The basics in this instance are as follows:
The Affidavit was notarised by an interested party. This is not allowed.
To identify someone, one of the following circumstances need to have happened:
Ways to Identify someone IC'ly:
-You have their F3
-They Identify themselves to you, verbally giving you their full name / unique nickname
-Someone who has their F3 Identifies them to you
-You have viewed their ID card or searched their person (See Police rules section)
-If someone has committed an offense against you (Act of violence, mugging, etc) you may recognize them based on their voice and clothing for up to 20 minutes afterwards. Players may change clothes or lay low during this time to avoid recognition.
I don't think any of the above circumstances applied.
Certainly one could argue the good faith exception (even though this is an OOC issue), but the good faith exception clearly states that the police MUST be acting in good faith, measured by the reasonable person rule (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reasonable_person). I am of the opinion that a reasonable person certainly would have asked how the man identified the don as being Antonio Manuel or whatever his name is.
On the topic of discord. Here is a quote from Don Manuel: "Update: These discords were not used for ic shit it was used to find some1 to contact to then trade ic in game.".
This is not allowed and will be considered IC as per the following rule: "However to cover the fact that some people may use this to skirt the rules if IC conversations are specified by both parties or is obviously done in IC in DMs (Example: A sale or deal that would take place in IC after discord confirmation) then it can be considered as IC by the reviewing Admins."
Therefore, to summarize:
The affidavit was not notarised correctly.
The evidence naming the people directly is null and void as it fails the recognition test.
The evidence gathered via discord is IC. You may not put "this is ooc" in an attempt to avoid LEOs.
The Good Faith exception applies if a reasonable person believes the evidence to be true. Would a reasonable person believe this to be true? I am of the opinion that a reasonable person would ask more questions before initiating procedures. And if someone obtained a name via discord, then the OOC/IC test must apply. Did they obtain it by looking on the sidebar? That would be OOC. Or did the person directly talk to the criminal informant and tell them their name? That would be IC.
I agree with some part of what yous said. However, you guys cant tell me things that are in my personal discord is IC or not. Yall need a chill with it.
Acording to the rules, you cant use ooc terms in IC. That passage your referring to was stated to be OOC and contains information taht is OOC to guide new players once their recruitment done. So they dont act like retards and know at least what it means to play on Diverge. This section you are refering too, not only is it outdated, it clearly states that it is OOC and it is obviously not owned by Diverge. Again, no IC converstation/announcment was specified/agreed.
And for the people who dare say I/we avoid RP. When this affidavit was presented, I went with it and continued playing even if I knew it was metagamed. We still attented trials, we still wrote 10 pages lawsuit. We still have one of our guys PKed after court. I still submited 20 documents to Gollo after his subpeona.
And for those who say we used this to avoid confrontation from LEO, a part of the training a new recruit gets, is to teach them how to do shipments. Our companies uses oil shipment so that they can learn how shipment works. Its not avoiding rp, its being smart. Then once the rest of the training is done, the npc is shown to them by the recruiter. From that point, the recruit is now able to use his knowledge from oil shipments into ordering heroin or anything else. So this argument of us using discord to avoid rp is just a waste of time. We encourage rp and we use techniques (IC) to avoid getting in trouble by the police. For some odd reason, Carlie Wailer didnt mention that. Prolly cus he was pissed off and decided to just metagame his shit. That being said, the section Cocohop/PA is refering is an OOC aid to help players and make sure they understood what they were told IC. Its like being in a discord and saying "ye so OOcly when you did the oil, its basically the same thing but for heroin, and we do it like that so we dont have to tell you to order drugs" but instead we do it in a discord OOC channel.
Hopefully this made sense to whoever is reading this.
It comes as no surprise that you agree with the parts that help you and disagree with those that do not. However that is the way things are. It is up to Zoomer to decide and I don't particularly care either way what happens.