08-15-2021, 09:09 PM
(08-15-2021, 08:03 PM)Coconut Wrote: Your Name: Coconut
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114065865
Staff Member involved: Rem
What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET
Reason for blacklist (if given): Building in pd
Why should they be returned?: I Have never been warned about building in pd at all, the one time I was warned was a very long time ago for prop build which I haven't done since. I got my Prop flags taken away due to me building inside the pd Which at the time no officer was worried about, After I died from a cop shooting everyone inside I respawned and forgot to spam z and delete my props. Rem tps me up to a roof 3 mins later and explains to me I'm not allowed which I then said okay yeah Im sorry ill delete it. He then explains that Its already gone and I was losing my pet flags. Which Of course I was annoyed as I wasn't really given a pre-warning Or told to remove my props I would of as I genuinely forgot to remove them after I died. Im sorry for anyone that's Rp was ruined during them times.
But please give me back my Pet flags I need my boat.
But In all seriousness, my last ban/warn was like 4-6 months ago Which was to do with the Prop climb Other than that I do actually Rp and use my props Properly as I have made quite a few dupes for the people on this server and myself.
: ) - Coconut
I was the officer that arrested coco. Coco has made the best Dupes on the server for the past 5 months, ask him for photos of what he’s made and you’ll be amazed.
Coco was arrested for punching me on his Grant character Uncle Sam Grant. When I put him in his cell his two lawyers came, they then decided to build a law office in the cell to defend their client. It was very funny and no one was hurt other than the guy that got PKed. There was about 10 people in their building and it wasn’t just coco, around 3 to 5 of them were building and I don’t think they got in trouble for it. He didn’t realize that they weren’t allowed to build in the PD.
With the Chum Bucket incident. Coco had put down a food truck where he sells buckets of food for cheap which he has done before and never been told of for it as I used to work there IC on Chu ming. During the time Coco had No Collided the door to where no one could get in. In which I attempted to taze him as I was recently hit and he was the only one around me. Due to him being tazed rem started to say that he needs to remove the door or no collide it. Which he couldn't as he was being tazed and was looking the other way. ( you cannot look another way while being tazed).
Please don’t take his flags away permanently. This guy has built the forge dupe, the Flanagan dupes, the club dupe, the motel dupes, level 12 dupes, multiple amazing yachts, The hardware Store, an old Vice Club, Office, Mayors Office, The inauguration thing for the mayor and State, Pd Dupe, Fbi Dupes, Grant Gas station and a lot more. He also works for Julius's Architectural company which he builds dupes for money creating a legal business to add on to RP. Coco has used his PET flags for the good of the server and has only messed up these times.
Overall I've known Coco for a while now and he has only really used his Pet flags for good on this server benefiting almost everyone with nice designs for dupes, Interior decorating, Boats, and much more. He brings Passive Rp to the server by creating dupes for people on how they like it and selling them rather cheaply. Although he has previously been warned for this i feel as though he just slipped up once compared to others Who fully destroy cars, Use it to fly, Use it to prop block. Compared to that his seems rather small in my opinion he was just trying to create RP with the Chumbucket as well as helping the lawyers build their offices.
Please give back Cocos Pet Flags he really does benefit the community.