01-11-2021, 06:21 PM
Diverge Networks PK Appeal Format
Name of Character: Silvestro Patrica
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:196993255
Date of PK: Today
Reason for PK: Dying
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Ok so apperently it was a cop that I shot a random black man is on my block and tries to say hands up when his gun is on saftey, I pull my gun out and aim it at him and he whips his gun up so I open fire I die, I get brought to a sit by Spector we settled it he said I wont be pked, I even went to the people IC and settled it here are the links please note that this cop has been found minging and he is a SGT in a suit and running around with duty weapons and asspulling them he has been caught FRP'ing and entering and raiding places without warrants. I also want to point out how he tried to do this in the middle of the street infront of my place next to my men and broke fearrp. Links- https://youtu.be/GZBbUiMWCso https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/7...6_Trim.mp4
Name of Character: Silvestro Patrica
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:196993255
Date of PK: Today
Reason for PK: Dying
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Ok so apperently it was a cop that I shot a random black man is on my block and tries to say hands up when his gun is on saftey, I pull my gun out and aim it at him and he whips his gun up so I open fire I die, I get brought to a sit by Spector we settled it he said I wont be pked, I even went to the people IC and settled it here are the links please note that this cop has been found minging and he is a SGT in a suit and running around with duty weapons and asspulling them he has been caught FRP'ing and entering and raiding places without warrants. I also want to point out how he tried to do this in the middle of the street infront of my place next to my men and broke fearrp. Links- https://youtu.be/GZBbUiMWCso https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/7...6_Trim.mp4