03-30-2022, 04:01 AM
your Name:
Your SteamID :
Reason for ban:
rdm and ltap
Length of ban: 2days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): i want to be unbanned due to it being a misunderstanding
Why should you be unbanned?
i didnt rdm and didnt know it will be ltap if i left after death. it wasnt rdm i shot him after i did /me aims a gun and says hands he kept moving aka broke fear rp when i had a gun on him i was in a private area when i was running after i shot him i got shot at i ran away i got hit by a car at first i thought it was a random person but it was his friend i would rather get pked then banned
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): my logs
Your SteamID :
Reason for ban:
rdm and ltap
Length of ban: 2days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): i want to be unbanned due to it being a misunderstanding
Why should you be unbanned?
i didnt rdm and didnt know it will be ltap if i left after death. it wasnt rdm i shot him after i did /me aims a gun and says hands he kept moving aka broke fear rp when i had a gun on him i was in a private area when i was running after i shot him i got shot at i ran away i got hit by a car at first i thought it was a random person but it was his friend i would rather get pked then banned
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): my logs