05-04-2022, 02:29 AM
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:88046514
Reason for ban: "NITRP General Autism
Length of ban: 6 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was clearly banned wrongfully and they know it, and even admitted it, however abusive staff member mEEm wants to see me make this ticket to make it look like hes doing the right thing. In the three SS I am posting you can clearly see they were talking about a white MALE with a SUIT on, my character is a FEMALE with a black JACKET on. Then YOUR STAFF MEMBER continues to lie in general saying theres logs of me punching someone, a video of me punching someone, and admits to banning me based off of someone elses word. Then instead of sending me the video he just admits he wrongfully banned me and wants me to make this ticket to boost his ego.
Why should you be unbanned? Because I did nothing wrong to qualify as no intent to RP, I was RPing the entire time and when cops started telling me to leave, I left.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): The photos are provided. They have the video but refuse to give it to me cause they know I caught them in a lie. I do apologize for being disrespectful towards this staff member but It seems I have been some type of target since I started playing. I have donated and spent hours on the server doing everything the right way, but shit like this continues to happen
Reason for ban: "NITRP General Autism
Length of ban: 6 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was clearly banned wrongfully and they know it, and even admitted it, however abusive staff member mEEm wants to see me make this ticket to make it look like hes doing the right thing. In the three SS I am posting you can clearly see they were talking about a white MALE with a SUIT on, my character is a FEMALE with a black JACKET on. Then YOUR STAFF MEMBER continues to lie in general saying theres logs of me punching someone, a video of me punching someone, and admits to banning me based off of someone elses word. Then instead of sending me the video he just admits he wrongfully banned me and wants me to make this ticket to boost his ego.
Why should you be unbanned? Because I did nothing wrong to qualify as no intent to RP, I was RPing the entire time and when cops started telling me to leave, I left.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): The photos are provided. They have the video but refuse to give it to me cause they know I caught them in a lie. I do apologize for being disrespectful towards this staff member but It seems I have been some type of target since I started playing. I have donated and spent hours on the server doing everything the right way, but shit like this continues to happen