06-06-2022, 06:17 PM
Your Name: Jamal "Blackie" Garcia
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:95083602
Reason for ban: Metagame
Length of ban: 5 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute
Why should you be unbanned? I was brought to a sit by Emperor and he spoke to me about the situation because i called a guy Ethan Bellview once who was on his minge char, the guy literally said "follow me into PD" most likely cut this part out of his clip lol. he told the admin I called him Ethan Bellview multiple times and the admin believed him yet I did it once and he said me calling him a fed over and over is technically metagaming yet I referred to him as a fed due to him literally acting like a fed. I was also previously warned for metagame by "shadow" in May which i was never brought to a sit for this note and never explained why this note was given to me so I can prevent breaking the rules and abide by the rules and understanding my mistake hence why i got the note yet I was never taken therefore I would not of been able to explain myself and possibly not of been warned for whatever the reason was. I would like to add by stating its unfair I was given a note a month prior and never being told why it was even there or what the reason was without a chance to defend myself and the fact the admin believed him when he said I said it mulitple times before which isn't true without a clip of me saying it numerous times is completely bullshit.
I would understand if I was given a warn for saying his name but me having a previous warn that I was taken to a sit for and not being told about it and then being banned instead of warned for mentioning the guys other name once and then calling him a fed after he acted like a fed is not my fault.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:95083602
Reason for ban: Metagame
Length of ban: 5 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute
Why should you be unbanned? I was brought to a sit by Emperor and he spoke to me about the situation because i called a guy Ethan Bellview once who was on his minge char, the guy literally said "follow me into PD" most likely cut this part out of his clip lol. he told the admin I called him Ethan Bellview multiple times and the admin believed him yet I did it once and he said me calling him a fed over and over is technically metagaming yet I referred to him as a fed due to him literally acting like a fed. I was also previously warned for metagame by "shadow" in May which i was never brought to a sit for this note and never explained why this note was given to me so I can prevent breaking the rules and abide by the rules and understanding my mistake hence why i got the note yet I was never taken therefore I would not of been able to explain myself and possibly not of been warned for whatever the reason was. I would like to add by stating its unfair I was given a note a month prior and never being told why it was even there or what the reason was without a chance to defend myself and the fact the admin believed him when he said I said it mulitple times before which isn't true without a clip of me saying it numerous times is completely bullshit.
I would understand if I was given a warn for saying his name but me having a previous warn that I was taken to a sit for and not being told about it and then being banned instead of warned for mentioning the guys other name once and then calling him a fed after he acted like a fed is not my fault.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A