07-04-2022, 01:25 AM
Your Name: rockie
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:99532740 and STEAM_0:1:167301020 (Main acc, originally got a 5 day ban)
Reason for ban: Alt Account of: STEAM_0:1:167301020
Length of ban: Perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): So I got on today with my main acc, played for some hours and ended up getting arrested for having a illegal gun, talked to the cops for a solid hour trying to get the plea deal down. Cops then left me for half an hour to get a lawyer, when the lawyer came we talked for 5 minutes and then he went afk, I then waited for the better part of a hour and decided to hop off to get some food.
After I ate I wanted to hop on my older acc where I have my sanzekai char, so I did and I played for a little over an hour, then I had to restart my gmod and I did, but when I tried to join the server it said I was banned for alting. I then checked the ban page and saw that my main acc had been banned for ltap and nitrp.
Not appealing the LTAP ban but the alitng ban, as I didn't think my main acc would get banned, as I would have still been in the pd cell when I got on again. Other admins havent had a problem with me having to accounts, as I've played on and off this server for a few years.
Why should you be unbanned? Wasn't aware that my other acc got banned, it got banned as I was playing on another char. Logs with check up
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): No.
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:99532740 and STEAM_0:1:167301020 (Main acc, originally got a 5 day ban)
Reason for ban: Alt Account of: STEAM_0:1:167301020
Length of ban: Perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): So I got on today with my main acc, played for some hours and ended up getting arrested for having a illegal gun, talked to the cops for a solid hour trying to get the plea deal down. Cops then left me for half an hour to get a lawyer, when the lawyer came we talked for 5 minutes and then he went afk, I then waited for the better part of a hour and decided to hop off to get some food.
After I ate I wanted to hop on my older acc where I have my sanzekai char, so I did and I played for a little over an hour, then I had to restart my gmod and I did, but when I tried to join the server it said I was banned for alting. I then checked the ban page and saw that my main acc had been banned for ltap and nitrp.
Not appealing the LTAP ban but the alitng ban, as I didn't think my main acc would get banned, as I would have still been in the pd cell when I got on again. Other admins havent had a problem with me having to accounts, as I've played on and off this server for a few years.
Why should you be unbanned? Wasn't aware that my other acc got banned, it got banned as I was playing on another char. Logs with check up
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): No.