08-24-2022, 06:52 PM
Your Name: Marteduzzo Colombo
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:446624497
Reason for ban: RDM
Length of ban: 1 week
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute, I feel that my ban is completely injustified due to fact that the admin who took my sit was in a call with the person calling it. Long story short a guy was running into my car intentionally to annoy me and has been doing that quite often. (Look at evidence for the clips, no lag nor any sort of performance issues occured) He admitted in VC to the admin that he did it intentionally, he didn't specify why he did it but eitherway its baiting or even trying to commit VDM or such.
Why should you be unbanned? The whole argument in the staff sit was that i cannot kill people who run into my car, but it seemed intentionally done so I would kill him or otherwise baiting. The whole thing is proven by the fact that he was in a call with the member of staff (Localwelshman) who took the sit, which is why i also felt the bias towards the person who called the sit. Also his clip audio is muted, everyone elses audio you can hear.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): (Clips prove that the staff member was in the call.) 1st clip (Apparently unintentional but clip clearly shows otherwise.) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...EzMjcxOTAs / 2nd clip (This one is intentionally as he claimed.) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...EzMjcxOTAs. Sit was also made after the second clip, cause in my eyes, the kill the first time was justified and i believe he, himself knew it aswell to not call the sit. I expect Localwelshman then told him that it was a case of RDM therefore he came back to do the same thing over and after getting calling a sit just to have Localwelshman take it, also it might be showing that maybe he broke NLR to bait me into shooting him.
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:446624497
Reason for ban: RDM
Length of ban: 1 week
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute, I feel that my ban is completely injustified due to fact that the admin who took my sit was in a call with the person calling it. Long story short a guy was running into my car intentionally to annoy me and has been doing that quite often. (Look at evidence for the clips, no lag nor any sort of performance issues occured) He admitted in VC to the admin that he did it intentionally, he didn't specify why he did it but eitherway its baiting or even trying to commit VDM or such.
Why should you be unbanned? The whole argument in the staff sit was that i cannot kill people who run into my car, but it seemed intentionally done so I would kill him or otherwise baiting. The whole thing is proven by the fact that he was in a call with the member of staff (Localwelshman) who took the sit, which is why i also felt the bias towards the person who called the sit. Also his clip audio is muted, everyone elses audio you can hear.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): (Clips prove that the staff member was in the call.) 1st clip (Apparently unintentional but clip clearly shows otherwise.) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...EzMjcxOTAs / 2nd clip (This one is intentionally as he claimed.) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...EzMjcxOTAs. Sit was also made after the second clip, cause in my eyes, the kill the first time was justified and i believe he, himself knew it aswell to not call the sit. I expect Localwelshman then told him that it was a case of RDM therefore he came back to do the same thing over and after getting calling a sit just to have Localwelshman take it, also it might be showing that maybe he broke NLR to bait me into shooting him.