01-29-2023, 05:28 PM
Name of Character: Bufford "SunnyD" Zevada
Your Discord ID#: 388471294699765771
Date of PK: 1/29/23
Reason for PK: Robbery/Mugging
Why should you be unPK'd?:I was watching a police chase when the people being chased were pinned by the police. The men killed all the cops, and then yelled at me to leave the area. I started to drive forward to turn around, but they ran in front of my car. I knew that if I ran them over, I would be killed, so I tried to shift my gears and reverse. While I was shifting gears, they told me to get out of the car, but I didn't have enough time to react to the second command. As a result, when the car moved, they shot me within a second of the car backing up. I feel that this situation was unfair because I was told to leave and I tried to, but I was given another command while following that one, but I wasn't given enough time to react to the second command.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I have an hour long video and it too large to upload so if you add my discord at any time i can call you and screen share it.
Your Discord ID#: 388471294699765771
Date of PK: 1/29/23
Reason for PK: Robbery/Mugging
Why should you be unPK'd?:I was watching a police chase when the people being chased were pinned by the police. The men killed all the cops, and then yelled at me to leave the area. I started to drive forward to turn around, but they ran in front of my car. I knew that if I ran them over, I would be killed, so I tried to shift my gears and reverse. While I was shifting gears, they told me to get out of the car, but I didn't have enough time to react to the second command. As a result, when the car moved, they shot me within a second of the car backing up. I feel that this situation was unfair because I was told to leave and I tried to, but I was given another command while following that one, but I wasn't given enough time to react to the second command.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I have an hour long video and it too large to upload so if you add my discord at any time i can call you and screen share it.