02-08-2023, 04:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2023, 04:28 AM by Baselsamarah8484. Edited 1 time in total.)
Name of Character: Akumu Wei
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:708116014
Your Discord ID#: baselsamarah#1065
Date of PK: 2023/02/07
Reason for PK: There was a photo of me in the police department in the conference room and they thought I was snitching.
Why should you be unPK'd?: 1) I was not snitching. 2) it was just a photo and nothing else, no videos, voice notes, no details. 3) I was purely there to assist my two friends OOC in a staff sit because I was curious about how witness protection program works in the game with F3's and if you made a new char is it considered Money/Item Transferring. 4) I couldn't have been there IC because my Counter Co-part Police Officer Mark Diaz was involved so my other Asian char couldn't be. 5) The person who asked for the PK now Understands the Full story and would also like to appeal this PK and is willing to write in the comments below
The Full Story: Detective Nikolay Approached Officer Mark Diaz to Raid The Imperial 2F and Arrest Lucian Sanchez. They arrest him and search room 2F, killing 2 and finding a lot of narcotics contraband. Nicolay and Mark interrogated Sanchez and Got him to snitch.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: There are 2 Others That will tell you the same story who was Present in the room !
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:708116014
Your Discord ID#: baselsamarah#1065
Date of PK: 2023/02/07
Reason for PK: There was a photo of me in the police department in the conference room and they thought I was snitching.
Why should you be unPK'd?: 1) I was not snitching. 2) it was just a photo and nothing else, no videos, voice notes, no details. 3) I was purely there to assist my two friends OOC in a staff sit because I was curious about how witness protection program works in the game with F3's and if you made a new char is it considered Money/Item Transferring. 4) I couldn't have been there IC because my Counter Co-part Police Officer Mark Diaz was involved so my other Asian char couldn't be. 5) The person who asked for the PK now Understands the Full story and would also like to appeal this PK and is willing to write in the comments below

The Full Story: Detective Nikolay Approached Officer Mark Diaz to Raid The Imperial 2F and Arrest Lucian Sanchez. They arrest him and search room 2F, killing 2 and finding a lot of narcotics contraband. Nicolay and Mark interrogated Sanchez and Got him to snitch.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: There are 2 Others That will tell you the same story who was Present in the room !