06-14-2023, 12:53 AM
Your Name: Josem Cabron Culeros
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:52816378
Your Discord ID#: Bonefire#7102
Reason for ban: Rdm ecouragement
Length of ban: 2 weeks
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
Why should you be unbanned?
I respectfully submit my appeal for an unban on the grounds that I have not engaged in random deathmatching (RDM) myself. The incident in question involved another individual who had already demonstrated a clear intention to commit RDM, irrespective of any encouragement on my part. It is crucial to note that my involvement had no bearing on the outcome, as the person in question was allowed to continue their disruptive behavior for an extended period before being banned. Consequently, I have been unjustly deprived of access to the game for a duration of two weeks. This outcome strikes me as unfair and fails to uphold the principles of equitable justice.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None, besides logs proving I did not deal damage to any player
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:52816378
Your Discord ID#: Bonefire#7102
Reason for ban: Rdm ecouragement
Length of ban: 2 weeks
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
- The reason for my ban is alleged encouragement of a person to engage in random deathmatching (RDM). However, it is important to consider the context that the individual in question had already joined the server with the explicit intention of causing disruptions and engaging in RDM. My involvement merely consisted of providing commentary from the sidelines, motivated by boredom and a desire to witness some activity. Whether or not I encouraged this person is inconsequential, as their intent to commit RDM was evident from the moment I encountered them. They actively sought access to firearms, assaulted other players, and exhibited clear signs that they would inevitably face a ban within the next 30 minutes, regardless of my actions.
- During the incident in question, when both the aforementioned person and I were teleported, the executing administrator failed to acknowledge my presence and disregarded my attempts to communicate, while my short attempt to explain the situation to the other administrator were quickly terminated by the executing administrator giving out my ban, disconnecting me from any potential chance to explain it in person and change this unfair situation. This lack of attention demonstrated a disregard for impartial justice and seemed to reflect a desire to expedite the banishment process without due consideration. Such an approach does not align with my belief in fair justice.
Why should you be unbanned?
I respectfully submit my appeal for an unban on the grounds that I have not engaged in random deathmatching (RDM) myself. The incident in question involved another individual who had already demonstrated a clear intention to commit RDM, irrespective of any encouragement on my part. It is crucial to note that my involvement had no bearing on the outcome, as the person in question was allowed to continue their disruptive behavior for an extended period before being banned. Consequently, I have been unjustly deprived of access to the game for a duration of two weeks. This outcome strikes me as unfair and fails to uphold the principles of equitable justice.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None, besides logs proving I did not deal damage to any player