12-18-2020, 09:51 PM
Your Name: Joker, BigTaco, TacoKnight99
Your SteamID:
Offender(s) Name(s): Snow_Arnulf
Offender(s) SteamID(s) (Unkown)
Server this occurred on?: Diverge Networks MafiaRP
Time of Incident: Multiple
Rule(s) Violated: Doing nothing when taking tickets.
Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): I don't have any evidence but I know for a fact multiple other people have had encounters with him where he wouldn't do anything at all to help their ticket. Someone else might have video though, I am not sure. Overall he just hasn't done anything to help the player's tickets.
Additional Information (Players/staff directly involved, etc): Snow_Arnulf
Your SteamID:
Offender(s) Name(s): Snow_Arnulf
Offender(s) SteamID(s) (Unkown)
Server this occurred on?: Diverge Networks MafiaRP
Time of Incident: Multiple
Rule(s) Violated: Doing nothing when taking tickets.
Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): I don't have any evidence but I know for a fact multiple other people have had encounters with him where he wouldn't do anything at all to help their ticket. Someone else might have video though, I am not sure. Overall he just hasn't done anything to help the player's tickets.
Additional Information (Players/staff directly involved, etc): Snow_Arnulf