10-21-2021, 01:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-24-2021, 09:34 PM by Spritetopia. Edited 2 times in total.)
Your Name: Spritetopia
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:53740332
Reason for ban: DDOS Threats | Harassment | Spamming Forums.
Length of ban: Perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Please accept my sincere apology for DDOS threatening and harassing people. I know how important the rules are to diverge and it was unprofessional of me to be DDOS threatening and not advise anyone to do this. I am truly sorry. I know I let you and Diverge down and can appreciate your disappointment in me. Let myself down, and more importantly I let you, the owner, and the whole server down. I regret the whole incident and I am deeply embarrassed to have put every person involved in my ban disappointed. I feel very embarrassed to remember the valid reasons for my removal from the server and all I am asking for you is forgiveness.
Why should you be unbanned? 1. Giving The Server A Lot Of Rp: When I was banned from Diverge back in Feb 2021 I started to play clonewarsrp and I join the naval. During my time on that mode I improved my rp and became a covert ops RI operator and that role as a operator doubled my rp. When mp launched in July I was in a faction that owned a hotel, made our own contracts, added the amount of the security deposits and all that giving me the basics of owning a business. 2. I Matured A Lot: During that time before my ban life was stressful due to that being grade 12 and going to collage making me stressed, but got thru that time and now I am a better man.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): My ban was valid
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:53740332
Reason for ban: DDOS Threats | Harassment | Spamming Forums.
Length of ban: Perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Please accept my sincere apology for DDOS threatening and harassing people. I know how important the rules are to diverge and it was unprofessional of me to be DDOS threatening and not advise anyone to do this. I am truly sorry. I know I let you and Diverge down and can appreciate your disappointment in me. Let myself down, and more importantly I let you, the owner, and the whole server down. I regret the whole incident and I am deeply embarrassed to have put every person involved in my ban disappointed. I feel very embarrassed to remember the valid reasons for my removal from the server and all I am asking for you is forgiveness.
Why should you be unbanned? 1. Giving The Server A Lot Of Rp: When I was banned from Diverge back in Feb 2021 I started to play clonewarsrp and I join the naval. During my time on that mode I improved my rp and became a covert ops RI operator and that role as a operator doubled my rp. When mp launched in July I was in a faction that owned a hotel, made our own contracts, added the amount of the security deposits and all that giving me the basics of owning a business. 2. I Matured A Lot: During that time before my ban life was stressful due to that being grade 12 and going to collage making me stressed, but got thru that time and now I am a better man.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): My ban was valid