09-24-2022, 01:27 AM
Your Name: unknown
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:177466331
Reason for ban: RDM POx11 (had enough chances)
Length of ban: perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute
Why should you be unbanned? I know people on this server have a lot of mixed feelings for me, (James, Jerm, Duggar, kash, Baldrick, etc) but I want you to answer this truthfully with no bias. If you are on your criminal character and you are open carrying a firearm with no license. A cop walks up to you and asks for your ID because you have a firearm on your back. Obviously, you do not want to get a felony and it says in the rules you may kill the officer IF the situation would lead to the user getting charged with a felony. I gave the cop my ID, then killed him. Now, lets say that never happened. The officer, Dan Largon, checked my name in the database for any firearms license and he cannot find anything. He then admitted in the sit that he would of arrested me if he didn't find anything in the system, which would of led my character to getting a felony. I don't know how basic and clear this is, but somehow this passed UA authorization. Being a cop myself, this has been done several times to both me and I've seen it happen to officers. None of those situations led to a staff sit. I, myself, had this same exact thing happen to me and I made a sit. I believe it was Sammy or somebody like that, I reported RDM but he said to me that he had no license and that he was permitted to kill me because if he didn't, he would of gotten a felony. I get that all staff members, have different opinions, but this is a rule.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:177466331
Reason for ban: RDM POx11 (had enough chances)
Length of ban: perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute
Why should you be unbanned? I know people on this server have a lot of mixed feelings for me, (James, Jerm, Duggar, kash, Baldrick, etc) but I want you to answer this truthfully with no bias. If you are on your criminal character and you are open carrying a firearm with no license. A cop walks up to you and asks for your ID because you have a firearm on your back. Obviously, you do not want to get a felony and it says in the rules you may kill the officer IF the situation would lead to the user getting charged with a felony. I gave the cop my ID, then killed him. Now, lets say that never happened. The officer, Dan Largon, checked my name in the database for any firearms license and he cannot find anything. He then admitted in the sit that he would of arrested me if he didn't find anything in the system, which would of led my character to getting a felony. I don't know how basic and clear this is, but somehow this passed UA authorization. Being a cop myself, this has been done several times to both me and I've seen it happen to officers. None of those situations led to a staff sit. I, myself, had this same exact thing happen to me and I made a sit. I believe it was Sammy or somebody like that, I reported RDM but he said to me that he had no license and that he was permitted to kill me because if he didn't, he would of gotten a felony. I get that all staff members, have different opinions, but this is a rule.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):