02-02-2023, 08:54 PM
Name of Character: Darkie Devon
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:190401750
Your Discord ID#: bigdotty#6001
Date of PK: 02/02/23
Reason for PK: “Starting a violent interaction with law enforcement, during which I was killed.
Why should you be unPK'd?:
I did not initiate the violent interaction. I was being chased by a police car, and then several others came and tried to box me in near the 7/11. A shot was popped off and it hit my car so I got out and shot back at the law enforcement. I did not fire first.
As I did not start the violent interaction, I do not believe the PK was justified and as a result I am appealing it.
Unfortunately I do not have a clip as I do not record my gameplay (My laptop barely gets 25fps and recording would just make it worse).
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:190401750
Your Discord ID#: bigdotty#6001
Date of PK: 02/02/23
Reason for PK: “Starting a violent interaction with law enforcement, during which I was killed.
Why should you be unPK'd?:
I did not initiate the violent interaction. I was being chased by a police car, and then several others came and tried to box me in near the 7/11. A shot was popped off and it hit my car so I got out and shot back at the law enforcement. I did not fire first.
As I did not start the violent interaction, I do not believe the PK was justified and as a result I am appealing it.
Unfortunately I do not have a clip as I do not record my gameplay (My laptop barely gets 25fps and recording would just make it worse).