06-04-2022, 12:49 AM
Your Name: Squibly (Meyer Goldshekel)
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): (STEAM_0:0:647231828)
Reason for ban: NITRP | Metagaming | Talking OOC in RP | Tried to rape a cop
Length of ban: 2 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute
Why should you be unbanned?: A cop arrested me because he claimed I made slurping noises which is rape, (I did not make slurping noises). I did intend to roleplay. at the time I was banned I was arguing with a cop over whether or not I made slurping noises or if the sound of me vaping was mistaken for slurping noises (it was the latter), although you could argue that was not in RP in the strictest sense, it was material to whether or not I raped him and shouldn't have been bannable. In the minute before my ban I was trying to call a lawyer and figure out whether or not to sign a plea deal (we were arguing over conditions of the plea deal, thats obviously in RP). At the same time I was trying to call a staff member other than the one who banned my friend falsley to sort out the situation (unfortunately the one who banned my friend was the only one opening my tickets) and asked the cop to be courtious to my situation. I was banned without a sit by the same moderator who banned my friend. He threatened to ban me for being a minge earlier when I argued with him over the validity of my friends ban (because apparently only minges care when their friends are falsely banned without a sit) and refused to call another staff member who could tell him that obviously a member of my faction is allowed to interfere with a cop that is arresting me. My friend was on the sidewalk with me where I was arrested, no metagaming occured. All of this could've been avoided if my friend had never been falsely banned in the first place and all of the kind of ooc stuff like asking to to be courtious of me calling staff during the arrest is completely understandable given how stupid that false ban was and how badly I wanted an obvious fuck up to be resolved.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): unfortunately not. Logs where I say I'm interested in a plea deal and am asking for staff other than AL are the closest thing I have to evidence.
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): (STEAM_0:0:647231828)
Reason for ban: NITRP | Metagaming | Talking OOC in RP | Tried to rape a cop
Length of ban: 2 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute
Why should you be unbanned?: A cop arrested me because he claimed I made slurping noises which is rape, (I did not make slurping noises). I did intend to roleplay. at the time I was banned I was arguing with a cop over whether or not I made slurping noises or if the sound of me vaping was mistaken for slurping noises (it was the latter), although you could argue that was not in RP in the strictest sense, it was material to whether or not I raped him and shouldn't have been bannable. In the minute before my ban I was trying to call a lawyer and figure out whether or not to sign a plea deal (we were arguing over conditions of the plea deal, thats obviously in RP). At the same time I was trying to call a staff member other than the one who banned my friend falsley to sort out the situation (unfortunately the one who banned my friend was the only one opening my tickets) and asked the cop to be courtious to my situation. I was banned without a sit by the same moderator who banned my friend. He threatened to ban me for being a minge earlier when I argued with him over the validity of my friends ban (because apparently only minges care when their friends are falsely banned without a sit) and refused to call another staff member who could tell him that obviously a member of my faction is allowed to interfere with a cop that is arresting me. My friend was on the sidewalk with me where I was arrested, no metagaming occured. All of this could've been avoided if my friend had never been falsely banned in the first place and all of the kind of ooc stuff like asking to to be courtious of me calling staff during the arrest is completely understandable given how stupid that false ban was and how badly I wanted an obvious fuck up to be resolved.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): unfortunately not. Logs where I say I'm interested in a plea deal and am asking for staff other than AL are the closest thing I have to evidence.